Hope Alive Children's Ministry
Here at Hope Alive we look forward to sharing the love of Jesus with the next generation. We seek to engage the children with music, crafts, games and most importantly bible stories and lessons. It is our prayer that when the children leave the classrooms here at Hope Alive they will be enriched by the love shown to them by our teachers and encouraged as they learn of the love of God for them in their lives.
Children's Events
July 27, 2024 - Vacation Bible School
Signups will be open shortly
Please stay connected for Hope Alive Children’s church upcoming events.
For answers to any of your questions email info@hopealivesantaana.com
Currently we offer Sunday School for the following ages:
Infants 0-2years
Toddlers 3 yrs. to kindergarten
1st-3rd grade
4th - 6th Grade
Hope Alive is always looking for those individuals who feel a call and a passion to teach our young people. If you are interested in helping with our children's ministry please download and fill out one of our applications and bring it with you to Sunday service and we will be glad to talk to you about the next step.
Children's Ministry Director
Erica & Valentine Garcia
Email: info@hopealivesantaana.com